Policies & Procedures
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Spanish
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Arabic
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Vietnamese
- Virtual Discipline Policy and Code of Conduct for Parents and Students
- Jefferson Parish School Board policies
- Parental Consent for Student Internet Use
- Bullying Report Form
- 2023-2024 Pupil Progression Plan
- 2024-25 DRAFT - JP Schools Pupil Progression Plan
Green Park Elementary Policies & Procedures
Students who arrive at school after 7:45 will be considered tardy. Students who arrive at 11:00 and after will be considered absent 1/2 day. Students who have been tardy 5 times, will receive a Wednesday morning detention (7:15-7:45). Students who have 12 unexcused absences will be eligible for retention for the year. PLEASE SEND A PARENT AND/OR DOCTOR’S NOTE WITH EVERY ABSENCE.
All visitors must report to the office and obtain a visitor’s pass upon entering the school campus. Visitors are also required to sign out upon leaving.
Fire drills and random searches are conducted monthly. Tornado drills and Intruder drills are conducted once each nine weeks. Jefferson Parish School Board has authorized search procedures using metal detectors and canines.
In the event that severe weather or any other emergency necessitates that school be dismissed early, WWL (AM) is the official radio station used by the school board to announce such closing or early dismissal.
Searches may be made with handheld or stationary metal detectors of school board property, of students and non-students, and of any bags, parcels, purses , containers, etc. that they may bring onto school board property or to school sponsored events.